POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : My future bike, I hope : Re: My future bike, I hope Server Time
7 Nov 2024 04:53:46 EST (-0500)
  Re: My future bike, I hope  
From: Alain
Date: 14 Sep 2016 17:04:21
Message: <57d9bb55$1@news.povray.org>

> Here an image of the bike I plan to build. Mostly parametric description.
> Modelisation done with Pycao, using between 200 and 300 lines of code ( not
> including the many parameters at the beginning of the file)
> Thank you Povray and the povray team  :-)

Nice... but, I see some problems on the mechanical and functional point:
1) The handles are in an awkward location. Located like that, you lack 
leverage in your steering.

2) Normally, the chain goes to the rear wheel. How do you plan on 
routing it? As it is now, it can hardly go there without interfering 
with the front wheel and it can't bend laterally. Maybe it's a front 
wheel drive? You really don't want the pedals to turn with the front wheel.

3) How does the front wheel can ever turn in order to steer? If the 
pivot is under the pilot, it will be insanely difficult to go straight 
if there are any irregularity on the road, and any curve will be 
uncontrollable. Then, here is the problem of the chain that can't bend.

4) If the pedals turn with the front wheel, pedalling will make you turn 
to the right and left. As they will have a MUCH longer lever than the 
hands, you'll be powerless to control that.

5) The front wheel's pivot axis projection reach the ground behind the 
wheel's contact point, it must be in front of that point.

My propositions:
Have a smaller front wheel, about half the size of the rear wheel.
Place the pivot for the front wheel further in front, over the wheel.
The projection of the pivot must reach the ground in front of the wheel 
to insure driving stability.
Make it a rear drive bike.
If you want the handles to be under the seat, you need to make them 
wider. Typically, they are placed slightly more forward and have an U shape.

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