POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Irid vs SSLT redux (with less assumed gamma) : Re: Irid vs SSLT redux (with less assumed gamma) Server Time
7 Nov 2024 09:26:33 EST (-0500)
  Re: Irid vs SSLT redux (with less assumed gamma)  
From: clipka
Date: 2 May 2016 09:20:46
Message: <5727542e$1@news.povray.org>
Am 02.05.2016 um 14:40 schrieb Simon J. Cambridge:

> Points of note. The meshes need severe sub-division, the more the merrier. I
> also ran the gamut of 20 to 50 mm_per_unit for SSLT and settled on 40. Irid is
> really good at highlighting the normals which SSLT tends to hide.

The current SSLT implementation is indeed a bit lax when it comes to
normals. It does respect the normal at the point the light comes out,
but not yet the one at the point the light comes in.

Maybe I need to take a time out to work on SSLT once more.

> PS. I do have an excuse for 2.2, though! CRTs! And POV-Ray versions 1, 2, 3,
> 3.5, 3.6, 3.62......... And CRT's! Do NOT forget CRT's!

*Sigh!* Naughty boys always think they have an excuse...

Nope, you don't.
You absolutely, positively don't.
Not with 3.7 anymore.

The Display_Gamma INI setting takes care of your CRT as far as the
preview display is concerned.

POV-Ray 3.6 already supported the "assumed_gamma" statement.
Half-heartedly, but it did.

The File_Gamma INI setting (or your image viewer if you use .png, .hdr
or .exr output) takes care of your CRT as far as viewing the finished
image is conerned.

And the "srgb" keyword and automatic input file gamma detection (or
"gamma" override keyword) take care of your CRT's influence as far as
your colour picker and other programs in your scene creation toolchain
are concerned.

Not to mention that gamma is not a CRT-specific thing -- LCDs have it,
too. (Not because of the underlying technology, but for backward
compatibility with -- you guessed it -- CRT-based displays.)

And if you don't like how assumed_gamma 1.0 affects your brightness
gradients, POV-Ray 3.7.1 has the "blend_type" and "blend_gamma" keywords
in colour and pigment maps for you.

And if you don't like how midtones look in your final render, the final
POV-Ray 3.7.1 will give you full artistic tonemapping.

So what did you say? You have an _excuse_?

I'll give you a few moments to think about and rephrase that sentence... :P

Heck, even Warp hasn't said a word in ages; if _he_ has run out of
excuses, there definitely aren't any left. ;)

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