POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Involute curves W I P : Re: Involute curves W I P Server Time
7 Nov 2024 09:26:23 EST (-0500)
  Re: Involute curves W I P  
From: Le Forgeron
Date: 18 Mar 2016 02:59:15
Message: <56eba743$1@news.povray.org>
Le 17/03/2016 23:00, Bald Eagle a écrit :
> Close up showing layout lines and intersection points.   :)
The mechanic teaching in me, old enough just have to complain:

the top part of a teeth must never be close to the bottom part of the opposite gear.

IIRC, if top part (difference of radius betweeen red and green) circle is 1, the
bottom part (grey and red) should be 1.25.

And unless you have a specially made gear, the perpendicular straight line to the
black line
(which start at the red line ?) should be the line on which the teeth of each gear get
in contact
(on the side on which the energy is transmitted, the other side of the tooth is not
used until
the movement is reversed)

The interest of the involute is that the contact point moves as gears rotate *without*

You are correct: you have a problem with the width of the tooth.

Despite the name of "metric", the following page might help:


Notice the Dedendum is Height - Addendum, Addendum = 1 * module, Height = 2.25 or 2.4
* module.

And despite the top schema, the outer circle of one gear does not match the inner
circle of the other. Never.
If it was, the smallest particle at the top of a tooth would block the system when
crunched in the pit.

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