POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : POV-Ray is so cumbersome... : Re: POV-Ray is so cumbersome... Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:06:48 EST (-0500)
  Re: POV-Ray is so cumbersome...  
From: Stephen
Date: 1 Mar 2016 10:24:08
Message: <56d5b418$1@news.povray.org>
On 3/1/2016 3:16 PM, Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann wrote:
> Hi(gh)!
> On 01.03.2016 09:38, Thomas de Groot wrote:
>> I know it is difficult, but I have learned not to compare my own work to
>> those of others, especially if they seem more 'talented'/
>> 'knowledgeable' / 'faster', whatever, to me.
> To me, life is still a marathon run... and I'm lagging far behind the
> main runners' field, not to mention the top runners!

In Scotland there is a saying that life is a "sair fecht", a sore fight. 
And so it is. Everyine struggles through life.

>> I try to do my own thing
>> (you mentioned Gancaloon) at my own pace and with my own means, which
>> may not be smart and often rather clumsy in the eyes of others.
> Clumsy? Not smart? I'm truly awed by your creations!

They are good but so are some of the animations and images you have posted.

> Especially if you first have to learn the whole program... and Blender
> has a VERY steep learning curve! I tried several times to work through
> various tutorials but pretty soon gave up - such things do only sink in
> one's mind if learning is done as a DAILY routine! Unfortunately I'm
> really not good in organizing myself, so I mostly fail to cut off an
> hour or so for learning...

The thing I do and did with Blender. Is to have a project and you learn 
as you need to.
I built a model that I had built earlier in PovRay. By the time I had 
finished it, I was halfway competent.
Just learning for the sake of learning can be boring and soul destroying.



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