POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Ribbon following spline : Re: Ribbon following spline Server Time
14 May 2024 18:34:25 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Ribbon following spline  
From: kurtz le pirate
Date: 3 Jan 2016 02:51:23
Message: <5688d2fb@news.povray.org>
Le 01/01/2016 14:21, Le_Forgeron a écrit :
> For kurtz le pirarte, from povray.general


complete code :

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "colors.inc"
#include "myMacros.inc"

#declare displayAxis = false;
#default {
	finish { ambient 0.40 diffuse 0.60 }

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//		x = cos(t) + 2.cos(2.t)
//		y = sin(t) - 2.sin(2.t)
//		z = 2.e.sin(3.t)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#macro myFunc(thisTime)
   < cos(thisTime) + 2*cos(2*thisTime),

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- MACROS
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- Returns a vector perpendicular to V1 and V2
#macro VPerp_To_Plane(V1, V2)
   (vnormalize(vcross(V1, V2)))

// -- VRotation() will find the rotation angle from V1 to V2 around Axis.
#macro VRotation(V1, V2, Axis)

// -- Projects a vector onto the plane defined by Axis.
#macro VProject_Plane(V, Axis)
	#local A = vnormalize(Axis);
	(V - vdot(V, A)*A)

#macro Matrix_Trans(A, B, C, D)
	transform {
		matrix <	A.x, A.y, A.z,
					B.x, B.y, B.z,
					C.x, C.y, C.z,
					D.x, D.y, D.z>

#macro curve_Trans (Time, Sky, Foresight)
	#local Location = <0,0,0> + myFunc(Time);
	#local LocationNext = <0,0,0> + myFunc(Time + Foresight);
	#local LocationPrev = <0,0,0> + myFunc(Time-Foresight);
	#local Forward = vnormalize(LocationNext-Location);
	#local Right = VPerp_To_Plane(Sky,Forward);
	#local Up = VPerp_To_Plane(Forward,Right);
	#local Matrix = Matrix_Trans(Right,Up,Forward,Location)
	transform {
		transform Matrix

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- SCENE
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
global_settings {
	assumed_gamma 1.80
	max_trace_level 10

camera {
	location p2r(50, 25, 15,false)
// up y
// right x*image_width/image_height
	look_at <0, 0, 0>
	angle 36

light_source {
	p2r(45, 45, 1000,false)
	color White

background {
	color White*0

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- GRID
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#if (displayAxis)
	#declare gridSTep=0.50;
	#declare axisLen = 9;
	#declare gridColor = White*0.25;

	drawAxis (axisLen + 0.50, 0.02)

	#declare index=-axisLen*0.50;
	#while (index<= + axisLen*0.50)
		cylinder { <index, 0, -axisLen*0.50>, <index, 0, + axisLen*0.50>, 0.01 
pigment { color gridColor } }
		#declare index=index + gridSTep;
	#declare index = -axisLen*0.50;
	#while (index<= + axisLen*0.50)
		cylinder { <-axisLen*0.50, 0, index>, < + axisLen*0.50, 0, index>, 
0.01 pigment { color gridColor } }
		#declare index=index + gridSTep;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- CURVE
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
//		x = cos(t) + 2.cos(2.t)
//		y = sin(t) - 2.sin(2.t)
//		z = 2.e.sin(3.t)
//			e = + 1 pour droit (dextre)
//			e = -1 pour gauche (senestre)
#declare deuxpi = 2*pi;
#declare r = 0.05;
#declare courbeFinish = finish {
	phong 0.85
	brilliance 2

#declare currentPt = <0.00, 0.00, 0.00>;
#declare previousPt = <0.00, 0.00, 0.00>;
#declare theColor = rgb <1.00, 1.00, 1.00>*0.80;

#declare tt=0;
#declare step=2*pi/360;

#while (tt<deuxpi)
	#declare currentPt = myFunc(tt);
	sphere { currentPt, r pigment { theColor } finish { courbeFinish } }
		cylinder { previousPt, currentPt, r pigment { theColor } finish { 
courbeFinish } }
	#declare previousPt = currentPt;
	#declare tt=tt + step;

#declare a = 0.40;
#declare b = 0.05;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare cercle = torus {
	a, b
	rotate 90*x
	pigment { color Goldenrod }
	finish { courbeFinish }

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare p0=< + a, + a, 0>;
#declare p1=<-a, + a, 0>;
#declare p2=<-a, -a, 0>;
#declare p3=< + a, -a, 0>;

#declare cadre = union {
	sphere { p0, 0.05 }
	sphere { p1, 0.05 }
	sphere { p2, 0.05 }
	sphere { p3, 0.05 }
	cylinder { p0 ,p1, b }
	cylinder { p1 ,p2, b }
	cylinder { p2 ,p3, b }
	cylinder { p3 ,p0, b }
	pigment { color Brass }
	finish { courbeFinish }

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#declare p0=<0, a, 0>;
#declare p1=< + a*cos(radians(30)), -a*sin(radians(30)), 0>;
#declare p2=<-a*cos(radians(30)), -a*sin(radians(30)), 0>;

#declare Triangle = union {
	sphere { p0, 0.05 }
	sphere { p1, 0.05 }
	sphere { p2, 0.05 }
	cylinder { p0 ,p1, b }
	cylinder { p1 ,p2, b }
	cylinder { p2 ,p0, b }
	pigment { color Brass*0.85 }
//	pigment { color Goldenrod*0.75 }
	finish { courbeFinish }

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// curve_Trans (Time, Sky, Foresight)
#declare index=0;
	object {
		curve_Trans (radians(index), y, 0.10)
	#declare index=index + 2;


kurtz le pirate
compagnie de la banquise

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