Am 03.08.2015 um 19:33 schrieb LanuHum:
> Hi!
> I don't understand how sor is created?
> The form doesn't correspond to a green curve. Not the curve, but control points
> rotates.
> Or it not NURBS?
> nurbs, cubic, bubic. quadric, madric.
> What is that? Oh, My God!
> Why very much? There is bezier - clear and operated.
> :)
SOR is the surface of revolution of a piecewise defined 3rd-order
(cubic) polynomial function (defined by a set of points on the curve)
rotated about the x axis (and the resulting shape subsequently rotated
so that its axis of rotational symmetry is mapped onto the y axis of 3D
space); no splines involved.
To generate the surface of revolution of proper splines, there's the
"lathe" keyword, which supports linear, quadratic and cubic splines (the
latter with various different parameterizations based on the control
points, including bezier splines).
POV-Ray doesn't support NURBS (non-uniform rational B-splines).
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