> Thanks. How does that help me determine point coordinates?
> Mike
> Alain <kua### [at] videotronca> wrote:
>>> Are there parametric equivalents to the implicit metaball functions found here:
>>> I would like to plot random points withing the curves/surfaces.
>>> Thanks!
>> Take a look at the blob primitive. The sole difference is that the
>> strength of the fields decrease in a linear fashion.
Once the object is defined, you can use the trace function to shoot rays
at it from random locations. Be sure to use the trace with the normal
option. If the returned normal vector, that trace totaly missed your
object. For any non-null normal vector, you have a valid point on the
You also use an isosurface object. It allow you to use any function you
want. For the metaball using values diminishing relative to the
distance, you'll need to use the reciprocal (1/function) to get useable
result. An isosurface assume that values smaller that the thressold are
inside the object.
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