POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Artists - 3d painting (WIP) : Re: Artists - 3d painting (WIP) Server Time
22 Feb 2025 18:02:08 EST (-0500)
  Re: Artists - 3d painting (WIP)  
From: Shay
Date: 15 May 2013 05:55:03
Message: <51935b77@news.povray.org>
Consistent abstraction in CG is nearly impossible. Has any CG artist 
successfully peopled a scene with non-intrusive abstractions of humans 
(think Piranesi's or [Houston artist] Robyn O'Neil's tiny people)? Abstract 
people can be created, but they're never (that I've seen) abstracted in the 
same style as their environments. I'd almost say cartoons pull this off, but 
cartoon characters are more stylized than abstracted. That is, cartoon 
characters still have to be constructed in the same way a realistic CG human 
must be constructed.

If we're stuck starting with fully-detailed human models and working 
backward, then techniques like this one may be the only way forward. I'd 
like to see a high-quality render to get a better idea of the potential. 
Looks a bit like a creature effect from the 80s, but that's a good fit for 
some things.


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