POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Saving PovRay objects as geometry : Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry Server Time
2 Nov 2024 02:16:36 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Saving PovRay objects as geometry  
From: Patrick Elliott
Date: 15 Oct 2011 12:24:12
Message: <4e99b3ac$1@news.povray.org>
On 10/14/2011 6:44 PM, H. Karsten wrote:
> Hi people,
> I've just started to write a PovRay -.inc file that saves any object, defined in
> PovRay as a mesh -.raw file.
> It can save almost everything, include .d3f files (when being used in an
> iso-surface), blobs, meshes, whatever. And can be used in any PovRay or
> PovPatch, supporting the trace() function.
> The raw-formate does not have any mesh-optimisation needed. That means, you can
> free chose the resolution, without heaving special high memory installed. It's
> only a matter of time, running the macro.
> The only thing (for sure) it can not store "fake-deformations", like coming from
> normal maps on surfaces, or deformed lenses in the camera.
> It is still extreme slow, but has very good potential to become optimised.
> Here is a simple sphere, having 40 tracking-points in each dimension.
> I hope I can release the first version after the weekend :)
> Best rgds,
> Holger
Huh. I actually had seriously wondered how complicated this would be to 
do. Building in POVRay is a lot easier, for some things, than mesh 
editors, and texturing is ***way*** easier, so I had the thought, "What 
if I could build in POVRay, then somehow generate a mesh, and "unwrap" a 
complete texture for the same object as well, so I could simply upload 
the resulting mesh, and texture, instead of having to go through the 
whole process of using Photoshop to try to bang the latter texture 
together, for the object? The problem, as I see it, with building with 
mesh has always been that, even if you could use *similar* texture 
systems in them, which most do not allow, its... not quite as trivial to 
only export the "visible" surfaces and a single texture, instead of 
whole objects, and multiple textures. Or, again, hand-editing the 
resulting structure into a single surface, then trying to apply a 
texture to some insane "unwrapped" texture template.

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