> So another question arises: Which of the following two choices would produce the
> more accurate/correct color rendition in v3.7 with assumed_gamma 1.0:
> 1) picking the color from Photoshop's (or colscr32's) 'typical' gamma 2.2 color
> space and using srgb<.....> to convert it?
Assuming your monitor is roughly using something like gamma 2.2, this
will work correctly. If your monitor is too far away from sRGB then the
internal calculations POV-ray does might result in the output hue
looking slightly different than you expect.
In that case you should either calibrate your monitor closer to sRGB, or
tell POV you are inputting colours (and want them displayed) using a
different gamma curve than sRGB. That way when you share your
scene/image with someone else (who might have a monitor calibrated
differently) your image should look the same.
> 2) picking the color from a gamma 1.0 space (not necessarily Photoshop's) and
> using rgb<......> with no conversion?
A gamma 1.0 colour picker needs to know how your monitor is calibrated
to function correctly. It can assume sRGB, but if your monitor is not
sRGB you will run in to the same problems as just using the srgb keyword.
So IMO it easiest (and just as correct) to simply pick colours from
Paint/MS Office etc and then use the srgb keyword.
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