POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Candle Man! : Re: Candle Man! Server Time
2 Nov 2024 10:14:55 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Candle Man!  
From: clipka
Date: 10 Jan 2011 01:54:03
Message: <4d2aad0b$1@news.povray.org>
Am 09.01.2011 14:32, schrieb gregjohn:
> Playing around with 3.7's SSS and an old MakeHuman export.  There definitely
> *is* SSS going on here! :)
> So far, I took an RGB value from a photo of a friend. Then I made the pigment 3X
> that rgb, and the first vector under subsurface {} to be 3X that vector as well.

There are some very important things to note here:

* When using SSS, it is vitally important that you set "global_settings 
{ mm_per_unit FLOAT }" to a fitting value. If for instance your human 
figure happened to be 1.8 POV-Ray units tall, then you'd need to set 
"global_settings { mm_per_unit 1000 }" (one POV-Ray unit being 
equivalent to 1m)

* The parameters are /not/ colors, but rather some pretty technical 
parameters that happen to be different for each color component. They do 
/determine/ the effective colour, but in a highly non-intuitive way (one 
of the reasons why SSS syntax needs to be changed sooner or later). So I 
do recommend starting with the values given in that paper I mentioned, 
and tweak your way from there. Plugging in color values there doesn't do 
any good.

* Normally you should not need "diffuse" with SSS; in theory, SSS should 
be a replacement for diffuse.

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