POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Chain Icosahedron : Re: Chain Icosahedron Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:03:12 EST (-0500)
  Re: Chain Icosahedron  
From: CShake
Date: 15 Dec 2010 18:09:24
Message: <4d094aa4@news.povray.org>
On 2010-12-15 12:16, clipka wrote:
> I did some test renders, including a scene trying to mimick the specific
> properties of yours (just rings randomly arranged in a spherical shell,
> I guess I suck at maille ;-)), but I can't reproduce the symptoms you
> see. Are you absolutely positively sure that you only changed the camera?
> Did you also cross-check with 3.6, whether the effect can be seen there
> as well?
> Do you think you could come up with a minimal scene showing the symptom?

I've identified it as my "make it look like there is a camera in the 
reflection" part. I put an object with a surface 0.001 units directly 
behind the camera, and that is what does it. Minimal scene as follows, 
most of the positioning numbers are just lifted from the scene I was 
using so they're arbitrary. This works no matter the version keyword 
while rendering in beta40, and also happens in 3.6.1c.

#declare use_blur = no;
#declare cam_pos = <0,8,-7>;
#declare look_pos = <0,1.5,0>;
#declare focal_pos = vnormalize(cam_pos-look_pos)*(1.5)+look_pos;
#declare focal_length = 41*2;
#declare fstop = 16*25.4;

#declare box_texture = texture{
	pigment{color rgb <1,0.96,0.89>}
  	finish {ambient 0 diffuse 0.8 specular 0.2 roughness 0.1 conserve_energy}
box{<-11,0,-11>,<11,28,11> hollow texture{box_texture}}

#declare light_color = 0.5;
light_source{<-9,18,-10> color light_color}
light_source{<10,20,10> color light_color}
light_source{<8,13,8> color light_color}

camera {
		focal_point focal_pos
		aperture focal_length*2/fstop
		blur_samples 10
	location cam_pos
	look_at look_pos
	angle degrees(atan(18/focal_length)*2)
	right x * 1
	up y * image_height/image_width
box{-3,3 texture{box_texture} translate (cam_pos-3.001*z) }

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