POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : texture_map problem : Re: texture_map problem Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:49:08 EST (-0500)
  Re: texture_map problem  
From: Dre
Date: 15 Dec 2010 16:53:20
Message: <4d0938d0$1@news.povray.org>

> High!
> Meanwhile, I got some raw version of the vegetation texture for southern
> Tasmania (just a heightfield exercise in between, don't worry, I'll
> switch back to Khyberspace as soon as possible!) ready... it consists of
> a texture_map containing five texture_maps, each of them again is a
> slope pattern containing two or three basic textures:
> // Basic textures
> #declare T_Beach=
> texture
> {
>   pigment { color rgb <1, 1, 0.5> }
>   finish { ambient 0.05 diffuse 1 brilliance 0.25 }
> }
> #declare T_Meadow=
> texture
> {
>   pigment { color rgb <0.1, 0.7, 0.2> }
>   finish { ambient 0.05 diffuse 1 brilliance 0.5 }
> }
> #declare T_Forest=
> texture
> {
>   pigment { color rgb <0, 0.5, 0.2> }
>   finish { ambient 0.05 diffuse 1 brilliance 0.42 }
> }
> #declare T_Shrub=
> texture
> {
>   pigment { color rgb <0.65, 0.78, 0.2> }
>   finish { ambient 0.05 diffuse 1 brilliance 0.31 }
> }
> #declare T_Rock=
> texture
> {
>   pigment { color rgb 0.7 }
>   finish { ambient 0.05 diffuse 1 brilliance 0.5 }
> }
> #declare T_Snow=
> texture
> {
>   pigment { color rgb 1 }
>   finish { ambient 0.05 diffuse 1 brilliance 0.18 }
> }
> // Slope-patterned texture_maps
> #declare TM_Shore=
> texture
> {
>   slope { <0, -1, 0> }
>   texture_map
>   {
>     [0     T_Beach ]
>     [0.2 T_Beach ]
>     [0.2 T_Forest ]
>     [0.4 T_Forest ]
>     [0.4 T_Rock ]
>     [0.5 T_Rock ]
>   }
> }
> #declare TM_Lowlands=
> texture
> {
>   slope { <0, -1, 0> }
>   texture_map
>   {
>     [0     T_Meadow ]
>     [0.06  T_Meadow ]
>     [0.065 T_Forest ]
>     [0.4 T_Forest ]
>     [0.4 T_Rock ]
>     [0.5 T_Rock ]
>   }
> }
> #declare TM_Highlands=
> texture
> {
>   slope { <0, -1, 0> }
>   texture_map
>   {
>     [0   T_Forest ]
>     [0.4 T_Forest ]
>     [0.4 T_Rock ]
>     [0.5 T_Rock ]
>   }
> }
> #declare TM_SubAlpine=
> texture
> {
>   slope { <0, -1, 0> }
>   texture_map
>   {
>     [0   T_Shrub ]
>     [0.4 T_Shrub ]
>     [0.4 T_Rock ]
>     [0.5 T_Rock ]
>   }
> }
> #declare TM_Alpine=
> texture
> {
>   slope { <0, -1, 0> }
>   texture_map
>   {
>     [0   T_Snow ]
>     [0.4 T_Snow ]
>     [0.4 T_Rock ]
>     [0.5 T_Rock ]
>   }
> }
> // Overall texture map
> #declare h=max_extent(terrain).y-min_extent(terrain).y;
> #declare TMM_Tasmania=
> texture
> {
>   gradient y
>   texture_map
>   {
>     [0            TM_Shore]
>     [h/2/h        TM_Shore]
>     [(h+3)/2/h  TM_Shore]
>     [(h+3)/2/h  TM_Lowlands]
>     [(h+200)/2/h TM_Lowlands]
>     [(h+200)/2/h TM_Highlands]
>     [(h+900)/2/h   TM_Highlands]
>     [(h+900)/2/h TM_SubAlpine]
>     [(h+1200)/2/h TM_SubAlpine]
>     [(h+1200)/2/h TM_Alpine]
>     [1 TM_Alpine]
>   }
>   scale 2*h
>   translate -y*h
> }
> I originally scaled the overall texture_map to double y extent of the
> heightfield and than translated it along the y axis to have some scope
> for turbulence (otherwise, TM_Alpine would show up along the shores).
> Probably I'll redo this, as general turbulence for the whole texture
> would yield undesirable results...
> Note that with the scene attached below, TM_Alpine does not appear as
> the mountains visible from the chosen camera position are not high enough.
> But as TMM_Tasmania uses a y gradient without turbulence, the boundary
> between TM_Highlands and TM_SubAlpine is unnaturally straight (see image
> below) - while keeping a sharp boundary between forest and subalpine
> shrub, I would like to have the boundary "patchy" at an intermediate
> scale. When I apply a general turbulence to TMM_Tasmania, the constraint
> of the "beach" part to the lowest  and closest to the sea parts of the
> heightfields is lost... and, otherwisely, separating the SubAlpine and
> AlpineParts (with a third, transparent texture for the lower regions)
> from TMM_Tasmania and superimposing it as a second texture layer won't
> work either, as PoV-Ray generally is not able to layer mapped textures...
> How do I get a more realistic upper forest line?
> See you in Khyberspace!
> Yadgar

Hey, I live in southern Tasmania!!

I dont suppose you could tell me where you got the data for the heightfield?

I'm very interested in recreating the area around my house for starters :)

Then the whole island, that would be sweet!!!

Cheers Dre

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