POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Is this possible without cheating? : Re: Is this possible without cheating? Server Time
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  Re: Is this possible without cheating?  
From: Le Forgeron
Date: 2 Dec 2010 02:46:22
Message: <4cf74ece$1@news.povray.org>
Le 01/12/2010 23:32, Christian Froeschlin nous fit lire :
> Le_Forgeron wrote:
>> May be it would then need a better name than "angle of incidence" (aoi)
>> as it would then ignore the actual surface.
> Maybe the keyword aoi could be kept but in the documentation
> described as "angle of incident ray", which it still is, just
> not necessarily in relation to the surface normal.

creating confusion with the actual aoi (actual = 3.7), not a good idea.

There is an issue inherent with such pattern: ulterior transformation
cannot affect the reference direction. which means that rotating an
object actually changes its appearance. A blue (as determined by the
color map) face rotated by 30° would be red (... or whatever).
It might be rather confusing when cloning objects around: the shapes are
cloned, but the textures appears to be different when more than a
translation+scale is applied (rotation & shear)!

With such behaviour, a name like "compass", "gyrocompass",
"astrocompass", or wiking proverbial "sun-stone" are more matching than
aoi. But they are a bit long (and sun-stone has an issue due to the - )
(iolite & labradorite)

polychroism (not pleochroism, as pleochroism need polarised light) might
be a name too. (but it would better describe aoi)

>> would expect another range than 0 to 90 degrees ?
> 0 to 180 would seem appropriate.

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