POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Bragging on : Re: Bragging on Server Time
2 Nov 2024 14:16:47 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Bragging on  
From: clipka
Date: 28 Aug 2010 14:58:15
Message: <4c795c47$1@news.povray.org>
Am 28.08.2010 20:23, schrieb Samuel Benge:

> How did I know that was coming? It seems you've a hit major mineral deposit, and
> are now pulling up some real gems.

Yup, I'm currently diving deep into random numbers and everything that 
uses them.

> So what's next? Improved area_light sampling? Are 3D Halton sequences possible,
> and if so, could they be applied to media and possibly even pigment blurring?

I indeed had a brief look into area_light sampling in this context, but 
currently it uses a somewhat different approach which is pretty much 
unsuited for halton sequences. It might be an idea to try out a 
variance/confidence approach instead of the adaptive recursion, but I'm 
not sure whether it will win much.

Media, too, uses adaptive recursion, and in this case I'm pretty sure 
it's best left the way it is.

Pigment blurring would be an interesting idea, never thought about that. 
But it would be a new feature rather than an improvement of an existing 
one, so I'll not tacke it this time.

I'm seriously pondering the use of halton sequences for anti-aliasing 
though. Again not sure whether it's a good or bad idea, but probably 
worth a try.

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