POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : "Spinner" space colony (3) : "Spinner" space colony (3) Server Time
2 Nov 2024 16:12:42 EDT (-0400)
  "Spinner" space colony (3)  
From: SharkD
Date: 25 Jun 2010 23:14:46
Message: <4c2570a6@news.povray.org>
This is my final render... for now. I'm a bit burned out on it so I'm 
going to switch to other things. I was using someone else's PC to do the 
bigger renders, and just now noticed the SS2 executable that makes use 
of both cores! Doh! Anyway, 3.3 hours render time is not bad considering 
all the objects are visible and radiosity is turned on. Will have to 
figure out why the atmosphere's media slows things to a crawl...

Here's my ideas for when I come back to it later, but it won't be for a 

- smooth the street pavement texture
- change the colors of the street decorations, including the street lamps
- add windows to the street cars
- add glass windows to white ellipsoidal buildings
- pedestrians are missing from the gaps between buildings
+ rotate the section labels some so that a and e are not next to each other
+ shorten the height of the spiral park sculpture
+ make the buildings slightly taller, maybe 6 to 12 storeys instead of 4 
to 8
- add support for objects/buildings that get spawned once and only once
+ make the park sculptures less common
- add the Eagle spacecraft model, and find a sculpture of an astronaut 
to place next to it
- develop a more memory efficient method of generating buildings
   - a hybriod between Chris Colefax's original method and the method I 
use now
   - generate several instances of each building with different numbers 
of storeys, and store them in variables/arrays
- next time I render the scene, re-enable CSG shapes instead of meshes 
to see how much it impacts performance
- add ponds to some of the parks
- add golf courses to some of the parks
- add a single, double-width and double-height building (a tower like 
the space needle?) near the middle of the scene
- add some flying craft, maybe a dirigible
- enlarge the potted street-side plants a bit
- add lens flare? would it even make sense in this environment?
- sunrise with sun behind planet?
- check the newsgroups, someone responded with a better way of 
positioning the trees around 2010-06
- make the "bird's nest" park decoration spiral around instead of being 
just concentric rings


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