POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Linear regression : Re: Linear regression Server Time
4 Sep 2024 01:15:20 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Linear regression  
From: Gilles Tran
Date: 8 Jun 2010 12:15:08
Message: <4c0e6c8c@news.povray.org>

> Well, it could certainly be worth a giggle...

Here it is. Have fun figuring that out. Note that it pulls the data from a 
database first. Also I've removed the code that writes the results in the 


Public Sub Regression(RelationCode, NEXP)
Dim MaBd As Database, stSQL As String, DataSet As Recordset
Dim I As Integer, J As Integer, K As Integer, NOBS As Integer
Dim S(0 To 9) As Double, SSY As Double, D As Double, A As Double
Dim SPYX(0 To 9) As Double, SPXX(0 To 9, 0 To 9) As Double, VY As Double
Dim VYX(0 To 9) As Double, VXX(0 To 9, 0 To 9) As Double
Dim B(0 To 9) As Double, SB(0 To 9) As Double, R2 As Double, R2ADJ As 
Double, SY As Double
Dim F As Double, T(0 To 9) As Double, P As Double, PCoeff(0 To 9) As Double
Dim ta As Double, Pa As Double
Dim Unitcode As Integer, DataBasisCode As Integer, stCoeff As String
Dim SST As Double, SSR As Double, SSD As Double, SA As Double
Dim MSD As Double, MSR As Double, M(0 To 9) As Double
Set MaBd = CurrentDb
' NEXP = number of predictors
For I = 1 To NEXP
    stSQL = stSQL & ", X" & CStr(I)
Next I
'Debug.Print stSQL
NOBS = 0
Set DataSet = MaBd.OpenRecordset(stSQL)
If DataSet.EOF Then Exit Sub
' Browse the data table
Do Until DataSet.EOF
    ' sum of squares Y
    SSY = SSY + (DataSet(0) ^ 2)
    ' for all variables
    For I = 0 To NEXP
        'sum of data
        S(I) = S(I) + DataSet(I)
    Next I
    ' for all predictors
    For I = 0 To NEXP - 1
        ' sum of products Y * X
        SPYX(I) = SPYX(I) + DataSet(0) * DataSet(I + 1) ' sum of products 
        For J = 0 To NEXP - 1
            ' sum of products X * X
            SPXX(I, J) = SPXX(I, J) + DataSet(I + 1) * DataSet(J + 1)
        Next J
    Next I
    ' number of observations
    NOBS = NOBS + 1
If (NOBS - NEXP - 1 <= 0) Then
    frm!CurrentMessage = "Relation " & RelationCode & " - Not calculable  : 
N obs <= " & Str(NEXP + 1)
    Exit Sub
End If
' total sum of squares and variance of Y
SST = (SSY - S(0) ^ 2 / NOBS)

' Means of Y and X (M(0)=mean for Y)
For I = 0 To NEXP
    M(I) = S(I) / NOBS
Next I

' covariances of Y and X
For I = 0 To NEXP - 1
    VYX(I) = (SPYX(I) - (S(0) * S(I + 1)) / NOBS) / NOBS
Next I

' covariances of the predictors X
For I = 0 To NEXP - 1
    For J = 0 To NEXP - 1
        VXX(I, J) = (SPXX(I, J) - (S(I + 1) * S(J + 1)) / NOBS) / NOBS
    Next J
Next I

' inversion (Gauss method) of the XX covariance matrix
' the original matrix is destroyed
For K = 0 To NEXP - 1
    D = VXX(K, K)
    If (D = 0) Then End 'null determinant
    VXX(K, K) = 1
    For J = 0 To NEXP - 1
        VXX(K, J) = VXX(K, J) / D
    Next J
    For I = 0 To NEXP - 1
        If (I <> K) Then
            D = VXX(I, K)
            VXX(I, K) = 0
            For J = 0 To NEXP - 1
                VXX(I, J) = VXX(I, J) - D * VXX(K, J)
            Next J
        End If
    Next I

Next K
' calculation of the coefficients

For I = 0 To NEXP - 1
    For J = 0 To NEXP - 1
        B(I) = B(I) + VXX(I, J) * VYX(J)
    Next J

Next I

' calculation of the sum of squares of deviations attribuable to the 
For I = 0 To NEXP - 1
        SSR = SSR + B(I) * VYX(I) * NOBS
Next I

' calculation of the sum of squares of deviations about the regression

' R2 and R2 for the degrees of freedom
R2 = 1 - (SSD / SST)
R2ADJ = 1 - (SSD * (NOBS - 1)) / (SST * (NOBS - NEXP - 1))

' mean square attribuable to the regression

' mean square of deviations about the regression
MSD = SSD / (NOBS - NEXP - 1)

' standard error estimate
SY = Sqr(MSD)

' F value and Probability

' calculation of the standard error of the regression coefficients
For I = 0 To NEXP - 1
        SB(I) = Sqr(VXX(I, I) * MSD / NOBS)
        T(I) = B(I) / SB(I)
        PCoeff(I) = TSTUDENT(T(I), NOBS - NEXP - 1)
Next I

' constant a
A = M(0)
For I = 0 To NEXP - 1
        A = A - B(I) * M(I + 1)
Next I

' standard error of constant a, t-value and probability
SA = 0
For I = 1 To NEXP
    For J = 1 To NEXP
        SA = SA + M(I) * M(J) * VXX(I - 1, J - 1)
    Next J
Next I

SA = Sqr(MSD * (1 + SA) / NOBS)
ta = A / SA
Pa = TSTUDENT(ta, NOBS - NEXP - 1)

'For i = 0 To NEXP - 1
'    Debug.Print SY
'Next i

End Sub

Public Function TSTUDENT(T, DF)
' Calculates the probability of Student's t-distribution value of being less 
in absolute value than t
Dim teta As Double, I As Integer, K As Integer, A As Double, P As Double, Q 
As Double, cs As Double
Dim Pi As Double
Pi = 3.14159265358979
T = Abs(T)
teta = Atn(T / Sqr(DF))
If DF Mod 2 = 0 Then ' even degrees of freedom
    I = DF / 2 - 2
    Q = 1
    For K = 0 To I
       Q = Q * (K * 2 + 1) / (K * 2 + 2)
       cs = Cos(teta) ^ (K * 2 + 2)
       A = A + Q * cs
    Next K
    A = Sin(teta) * (A + 1)
Else    ' odd degrees of freedom
    If DF > 1 Then
        I = (DF - 1) / 2 - 1
        Q = 1
        For K = 0 To I
            If K = 0 Then
                Q = 1
                Q = Q * (K * 2) / (K * 2 + 1)
            End If
            cs = Cos(teta) ^ (K * 2 + 1)
            A = A + Q * cs
        Next K
        A = (2 / Pi) * (teta + Sin(teta) * A)

        A = 2 * teta / Pi
    End If
End If
    A = 1 - A
    If (A < 0.0001) Then A = 0
'    Debug.Print P
End Function

Public Function FISHER(F, DF1, DF2)
' Calculates the probability of a F = (X1/DF1)/(X2/DF2)
Dim teta As Double, X As Double, I As Integer, K As Integer, A As Double, B 
As Double
Dim P As Double, Q As Double, cs As Double, NU1 As Double, NU2 As Double
Dim Pi As Double
Pi = 3.14159265358979
If DF1 Mod 2 = 0 Or DF2 Mod 2 = 0 Then
    X = DF2 / (DF2 + DF1 * F)
    If DF1 Mod 2 = 0 Then
        NU1 = DF1
        NU2 = DF2
        NU2 = DF1
        NU1 = DF2
        X = 1 - X
    End If
    I = (NU1 - 2) / 2 - 1
    Q = 1
    P = 1
    For K = 0 To I
       Q = Q * (NU2 + K * 2) / (K * 2 + 2)
       P = P + Q * ((1 - X) ^ (K + 1))
    Next K
    If DF1 Mod 2 = 0 Then
        P = (X ^ (NU2 / 2)) * P
        P = 1 - (X ^ (NU2 / 2)) * P
    End If

    teta = Atn(Sqr(DF1 * F / DF2))
'    Debug.Print "teta=", teta
    NU1 = DF1
    NU2 = DF2
    ' calculation of A
    If NU2 > 1 Then
        I = (NU2 - 1) / 2 - 1
        For K = 0 To I
            If K = 0 Then
                Q = 1
                Q = Q * (K * 2) / (K * 2 + 1)
            End If
            A = A + Q * Cos(teta) ^ (K * 2 + 1)

        Next K
        A = (2 / Pi) * (teta + Sin(teta) * A)
        A = 2 * teta / Pi
    End If

    ' calculation of B
    If NU1 > 1 Then
        B = 1
        Q = 1
        If (NU1 > 3) Then
            I = (NU1 - 3) / 2 - 1
            For K = 0 To I
                Q = Q * (NU2 + K * 2 + 1) / (K * 2 + 3)
                B = B + Q * Sin(teta) ^ (K * 2 + 2)
            Next K
        End If
'        Debug.Print "b=", B
        ' note : the exponentation is necessary due to overflow
        B = (2 / Sqr(Pi)) * Exp(FACTLN((NU2 - 1) / 2) - FACTLN((NU2 - 2) / 
2)) * Sin(teta) * (Cos(teta) ^ NU2) * B
        B = 0
    End If

    P = 1 - A + B

End If
    If (P < 0.0001) Then P = 0
    FISHER = P
End Function

Public Function FACTRL(N)
Dim J As Integer, ntop As Integer
Dim A(1 To 33) As Double
ntop = 0
A(1) = 1
If (N < 0) Then
ElseIf (N <= ntop) Then
    FACTRL = A(N + 1)
ElseIf (N <= 32) Then
    For J = ntop + 1 To N
    A(J + 1) = J * A(J)
    Next J
    ntop = N
    FACTRL = A(N + 1)
    FACTRL = Exp(GAMMALN(N + 1))
End If

End Function

Public Function GAMMALN(xx)
' Holy cow!
Dim ser As Double, stp As Double, tmp As Double
Dim X As Double, Y As Double, cof(1 To 6) As Double
Dim J As Integer
cof(1) = 76.1800917294715
cof(2) = -86.5053203294168
cof(3) = 24.0140982408309
cof(4) = -1.23173957245015
cof(5) = 1.20865097386618E-03
cof(6) = -5.395239384953E-06
stp = 2.506628274631
X = xx
Y = X
tmp = X + 5.5
tmp = (X + 0.5) * Log(tmp) - tmp
ser = 1.00000000019001
For J = 1 To 6
    Y = Y + 1
    ser = ser + cof(J) / Y
Next J
GAMMALN = tmp + Log(stp * ser / X)
End Function

Public Function FACTLN(N)
Dim A(1 To 100) As Double
Dim I As Integer
For I = 1 To 100
    A(I) = -100
Next I
If N < 0 Then End
If N <= 99 Then
    If A(N + 1) < 0 Then A(N + 1) = GAMMALN(N + 1)
    FACTLN = A(N + 1)
End If
End Function

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