POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Mk2 hand grenade : Re: Mk2 hand grenade Server Time
2 Nov 2024 18:48:31 EDT (-0400)
  Re: Mk2 hand grenade  
From: Alain
Date: 15 May 2010 21:29:38
Message: <4bef4a82$1@news.povray.org>

>> I've pulled the pins on a few training grenades (one every year, to be
>> exact...)
>> and yes they do require some effort, but not excessive. According to the
> As a non-military man I always wondered what would happen in the following
> situation:
> You pull the pin and release the trigger for a second. Will pressing the
> trigger again stop the detonation or, once released, will it explode?
> Just an idle thought I had when watching a certain brand of movies...
> certainly not something anybody should try out. ;-)

As I understand it, the moment you release the trigger enough for the 
fuse to start, there is no turning back.

It can be a fuse that burn away, a chemical that run down a porous 
material or something else. The importent thing is that once the process 
start, in can't be stopped without entirely removing the detonator 
assembly before the fuse finishes it's work: a few seconds.


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