POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Bl**dy election (part 2) : Re: Bl**dy election (part 2) Server Time
14 Nov 2024 04:31:39 EST (-0500)
  Re: Bl**dy election (part 2)  
From: Darren New
Date: 6 May 2010 15:25:33
Message: <4be317ad$1@news.povray.org>
Warp wrote:
>   I think "reverse discrimination" is the idea that two wrongs can make
> a right. 

The proponents claim that it's making up for past wrongs. Since economics 
(amongst other things) has a high level of hysteresis in families and 
cultures, by (for example) giving money to people for education who have 
families that traditionally have been unable to pay for education because of 
lack of education caused by earlier racial discrimination, you can get 
people back on par with the rest of the culture.

> about the hypocrisy ("all people are equal and should have equal rights
> and privileges, but we are giving this group of people extra privileges").

It's not hypocrisy any more than making the thief give back the stolen money 
is stealing.

I'm not saying I agree, mind, but I can see the rationale.

Darren New, San Diego CA, USA (PST)
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