Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom> wrote:
> And yes, there are controversies over that. California keeps flip-flopping
> between "affirmative action" and not. (AA being where you make it easier for
> minorities to (say) get into college simply because they're a minority.)
One of the most hilarious terms that some people use is "reverse racism".
That term just doesn't make any sense. What is "reverse racism"? What
people *mean* by that, and I'm not kidding a bit here, is when a white
person is the victim and a non-white person is the perpretrator. As if
regular plain "racism" was only when a white person is prejudiced or
discriminates a non-white person due to his ethnicity. Just the existence
of that term and the meaning it's used with is even more telling, IMO.
- Warp
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