Darren New <dne### [at] sanrrcom> wrote:
> Warp wrote:
> > In fact, what I have done is to oppose the idea that law enforcement asking
> > random people for their ID
> Even that wouldn't raise the outcry we have here. But police aren't being
> told to check *random* people. They're not stopping every tenth person
> driving past, like they do with the sobriety checkpoints. They're stopping
> people who *look* like an illegal immigrant.
> They are using a profile. They aren't using "random". Stopping "random"
> people isn't anything to do with "If 90% of the lawbreakers are X, then you
> should check people who are X", regardless of what X is.
This conversation is going in circles. If I dared to repeat my original
point once again, it would go on and on forever.
- Warp
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