POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Bl**dy election (part 2) : Re: Bl**dy election (part 2) Server Time
13 Nov 2024 03:45:45 EST (-0500)
  Re: Bl**dy election (part 2)  
From: Warp
Date: 4 May 2010 08:06:58
Message: <4be00de1@news.povray.org>
andrel <byt### [at] gmailcom> wrote:
> That there is such a large gap between what you intend and what you 
> write. We have been through this several times and I really think that 
> you are sincere and that you are not a racist yourself. Somehow that 
> does not stop you from writing the most stupid things without realizing 
> what that means to others. Why don't you trust other people's judgement 
> if they say that a remark is a racist one?

  So when people have preconceptions and strong prejudice against anybody
who even dares to mention things like "race" and "statistics" and "crime"
in the same sentence, *regardless of what he is really saying*, and then
they start making up all kind of lies about what I have claimed and accusing
me of whatever, and they keep going on and on with these lies even after
I clearly and repeatedly explain what I'm saying, and they keep pulling
things I write out of context, *I* am the one to blame for being stupid?

  Well, maybe I am stupid for assuming that people can have a rational
conversation even if the subject happens to contain the term "race".

                                                          - Warp

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