Am 14.04.2010 01:10, schrieb Rarius:
> Here is the latest version. The new version uses three images from Bjorn
> Jonsson's excellent website (http://www.mmedia.is/~bjj/) for the rings. The
> problem I had was that POV has no innate way of mapping an image_map
> radially onto a flat plane (ie the rings). I solved this by writing some
> functions that map a radial coordinate onto the linear image_map. The new
> rings show far more detail and look much more realistic. If anyone knows an
> easier way please tell me!
Using an image map with cylindrical warp should do the job, but you'll
have to rotate (and possibly translate and scale) the image map in a
suitable fashion first:
pigment {
image_map { png "foobar.png" }
rotate <0,90,90>
warp { cylindrical }
This assumes that the image map shows the rings as vertical stripes,
each representing a full 360 degrees arc.
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