POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : IRTC WIP : Re: IRTC WIP Server Time
18 Feb 2025 17:15:57 EST (-0500)
  Re: IRTC WIP  
From: Tek
Date: 10 Apr 2010 20:01:06
Message: <4bc11142$1@news.povray.org>
I mean rounded in the third dimension, not in the 2 dimensions of the font 

And googling for rounded 3d font found lots of 2D fonts with drop shadows... 


"Stephen" <mca### [at] aolDOTcom> wrote in message 
> On 10/04/2010 7:52 PM, Tek wrote:
>>> BTW, I know this sounds like a newbie question but: has anyone got a 
>>> nice
>>> way to round or bevel the edges on those letters?
>>> For my purposes it would suffice to have a mesh of a nicely rounded 
>>> font,
>>> but ideally i'd like an all-pov solution which could handle strings of 
>>> text.
>>> The only option I can think of is to intersect sheared version of the 
>>> text
>>> object to get a bevel... in fact that would work quite well! I'll do 
>>> that if
>>> nobody has a better solution!
> .

> http://www.urbanfonts.com/fonts/rounded-fonts.htm
> Nice idea :-D
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> Stephen

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