> BTW, I know this sounds like a newbie question but: has anyone got a nice
> way to round or bevel the edges on those letters?
Typically, I answered my own question! Here's a simple macro I just bashed
#macro BevelledText( Font, Text, Thickness, AlignH, AlignV, Bevel )
#local Obj = text { ttf Font Text Thickness, 0 #if ( AlignH )
h_align_center #end #if ( AlignV ) v_align_center #end }
union {
object { Obj clipped_by { plane { -z, -Bevel } } }
intersection {
#local a=0; #while ( a < 360 )
object { Obj translate -Bevel*z Shear_Trans(x,y,vrotate(z+x,z*a))
translate z*Bevel }
#local a=a+45;#end
//plane { -z, 0 }
clipped_by { plane { z, Bevel } }
bounded_by { object { Obj } }
It's not perfect (you can see some glitches in the concave corners) so if
anyone has a better solution I'd like to know :)
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