POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Spherical Sweep Bug or Something else? : Re: Spherical Sweep Bug or Something else? Server Time
18 Feb 2025 18:12:50 EST (-0500)
  Re: Spherical Sweep Bug or Something else?  
From: Alain
Date: 28 Mar 2010 12:54:23
Message: <4baf89bf$1@news.povray.org>

> I need some help figuring out this output I'm getting (Attached). I can't tell
> if its a bug or someting else that I just don't know about like surface
> coincidence. I don't recognize what might be causing the planar like objects.
> The spherical sweep code is
> #declare i_start = 0;
> #declare i_stop = 3;
> #declare i_step = 0.05;
> #declare i_inc = i_start;
> sphere_sweep {
>    linear_spline                 // linear curve
>    //cubic_spline                // alternative spline curves
>    //b_spline
>    (i_stop - i_start)/i_step + 1,    // number of specified sphere positions
> #while(i_inc<=i_stop)
>    #declare y_coor = 0.23*sin(7.1*i_inc);
>    <i_inc, y_coor, 0>, 0.05
>          #declare i_inc = i_inc + i_step;
> #end
> pigment{color Orange}
> }
> The scene file is
> #version 3.6;
> #include "colors.inc"
> global_settings {
>    assumed_gamma 1.0
> }
> camera {
>    location<0, 0.0, -4.0>
>    direction 1.5*z
>    right     x*image_width/image_height
>    look_at<0.0, 0.0,  0.0>
> }
> sky_sphere {
>    pigment {
>      gradient y
>      color_map {
>        [0.0 rgb<0.6,0.7,1.0>]
>        [0.7 rgb<0.0,0.1,0.8>]
>      }
>    }
> }
> light_source {
>    <0, 0, 0>             // light's position (translated below)
>    color rgb<1, 1, 1>   // light's color
>    translate<-30, 30, -30>
> }
> plane {
>    y, -2
>    pigment { color rgb<0.7,0.5,0.3>  }
> }
> #declare i_start = 0;
> #declare i_stop = 3;
> #declare i_step = 0.05;
> #declare i_inc = i_start;
> sphere_sweep {
>    linear_spline                 // linear curve
>    (i_stop - i_start)/i_step + 1,    // number of specified sphere positions
> #while(i_inc<=i_stop)
>    #declare y_coor = 0.23*sin(7.1*i_inc);
>    <i_inc, y_coor, 0>, 0.05
>          #declare i_inc = i_inc + i_step;
> #end
> pigment{color Orange}
> }
> Can someone explain this?

It's just another instance of the sphere_sweep bug that receive so much 
comments these days.

The interesting thing is that the linear_spline shows all those 
artefacts while cubic_cpline is clean, and b_spline mostly clean but 
does show a small artefact on the right. (a slight, narrow, black line)

Maybe the readon I normaly don't have much artefacts, I tend to mostly 
use cubic_spline in my scenes.

Best----> cubic_spline
Correct-> b_spline
Worst---> linear_spline


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