POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Isosurface landscape - any suggestions? : Re: Isosurface landscape - any suggestions? Server Time
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  Re: Isosurface landscape - any suggestions?  
From: Jörg 'Yadgar' Bleimann
Date: 27 Feb 2010 21:03:18
Message: <4b89cee6@news.povray.org>

Alain wrote:
 > You may try with an onion or spherical pattern.

Until now I just tried onion...

 > If you multiply your function by an onion pattern, that is properly 
scaled, Areas with altitudes near sea level will remain relatively 
unchanged while areas at higher altitude sould get more rugged.

Are you sure you mean "multiply" rather than "add"? I tried multiplying, 
but all I got was a uniformly flat surface without any visible relief 
(see attached first image below - remember that I speak of a spherical 
planet, not a "flat" landscape!), almost regardless of how I scaled the 
onion part of the function - only at scale 0.001, strange interference 
patterns showed up (second image), but probably only because of a too 
low max_gradient.

I also tried adding rather than multiplying - then the surface shrunk 
way below the water sphere. When I tried subtracting instead, I got 
broad gaps and a warning of absurdly high max_gradient values (about 1.5 
million - see third image).

Dividing resulted in a "division by zero" error...

 > Play with the wave type and the range of values.

What values?

 > You can also divide if you use an inverted fradient for your pattern.

Inverted gradient? Probably not - color maps are not only irrelevant for 
patterns used as functions within isosurfaces, using them even results 
in error messages!

Generally, should I turbulate the onion of spherical pattern?

See you in Khyberspace!


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Download '2010-02-28 ghurghusht, granite x onion+bozo isosurface, high altitude limbview, take 1.jpg' (8 KB) Download '2010-02-28 ghurghusht, granite x onion+bozo isosurface, high altitude limbview, take 3.jpg' (76 KB) Download '2010-02-28 ghurghusht, granite-onion+bozo isosurface, high altitude limb view,take 3.jpg' (72 KB)

Preview of image '2010-02-28 ghurghusht, granite x onion+bozo isosurface, high altitude limbview, take 1.jpg'
2010-02-28 ghurghusht, granite x onion+bozo isosurface, high altitude limbview, take 1.jpg

Preview of image '2010-02-28 ghurghusht, granite x onion+bozo isosurface, high altitude limbview, take 3.jpg'
2010-02-28 ghurghusht, granite x onion+bozo isosurface, high altitude limbview, take 3.jpg

Preview of image '2010-02-28 ghurghusht, granite-onion+bozo isosurface, high altitude limb view,take 3.jpg'
2010-02-28 ghurghusht, granite-onion+bozo isosurface, high altitude limb view,take 3.jpg


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