POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : sluice : Re: sluice Server Time
4 Nov 2024 13:04:35 EST (-0500)
  Re: sluice  
From: stbenge
Date: 21 Feb 2010 16:18:41
Message: <4b81a331@news.povray.org>
Dave Blandston wrote:
> The resolution sounds great, except for one thing - longer render time for
> full-screen images! I'm avoiding the change to LCD as long as possible for those
> reasons you mentioned. I think the washed-out look is caused by poor contrast
> ratio, but that seems to be improving lately. And LED monitors have extremely
> high contrast ratios but also high price still.

Yeah, rendering images at my new monitor's native res can take quite a 
while. But I can now see more of my code, which is a plus. Then again, 
LCD monitors are quite unforgiving when it comes to showing you how much 
noise is still present.

> So I'll stick with a good CRT for now...

I would have too, but my 11-year-old CRT finally kicked the can. I was 
forced to use a smaller (1024x768) CRT for a month, which was really a 
drag. It still has its uses, though :)

> Neat picture, by the way. I've used POV to design a few things that I actually
> built with great success. One of my favorite projects was to design landscaping
> for my front yard.

Did you ever post images of that?

Cool Metallica logo BTW. It's quite the CSG masterpiece!

> I made a great render and then my homeowner's association wouldn't approve it.

Isn't that just the way? HOAs are always pulling stuff like that. When 
my brother worked construction, he helped build a huge lodge in this 
area. The homeowners themselves appreciated his work so much that they 
commissioned him to also build a tree house to complement the main 
structure. When it was finished however, the homeowners' association for 
that neighborhood immediately tried to have the tree house torn down, 
saying that "it was an eyesore." Thankfully all of my brother's hard 
work didn't go to waste; the structure was allowed to remain. You can 
see the tree house at the bottom of this page:

> Good luck with your project!

Thanks! It has been started already by my brother, who got a big jump on 
it yesterday, so it's pretty much out of my hands. Hopefully we'll be 
raking in the gold very soon. But not like the women from the 1800s who, 
afflicted with gold fever, actually tried using rakes to pull gold from 
the rivers...

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