Reactor schrieb:
> I remember that scene when someone was trying to figure out how to make it work
> (i.e. complete before their great-great-grandchildren are born) in MCPov.
That was me I guess :-)
> I did
> get it working, but it wasn't the whole scene, just the doors and walls. The
> answer had to do portals and making sure that the container sphere wasn't too
> large. After that, it started to converge reasonably quickly (instead of the
> wait 20 minutes, see single bright pixel appear, wait 20 more, see it
> disappear).
Yes, I recall someone giving it a try also (the scene didn't feature the
child back then) - but IIRC that person "cheated" by having the door
open much wider...
I'm also using a POV-Ray 3.7 beta feature for the child's clothing
(diffuse backside illumination), so MCPov is no longer an option anyway.
> Anyway, isn't that bleed through more of an error bound and reuse
> of samples issue as opposed to depth?
If I had the slightest idea what kind of error it is, I'd be a good deal
happier :-)
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