POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Isosurface problem : Re: Isosurface problem Server Time
6 Mar 2025 21:32:13 EST (-0500)
  Re: Isosurface problem  
From: waggy
Date: 5 Feb 2010 00:31:12
Message: <4b6bad20@news.povray.org>
Tim Cook wrote:
> Current state of things.  Map in major need of improvement in addition 
> to fixing extrusion direction.
If extruding the outer surface of a torus is close enough, this type of 
construction might work for you.  You may need to make the image taller, 
with the pattern centered vertically, so it doesn't wrap around to the 
donut-hole-side of the torus.

#declare fn_deco1=function{
       png "decoband.png"
       map_type 5 interpolate 4

#local r_major=1;    //This matches the map_type 5 major radius.
#local r_minor=0.05;
     function{f_torus(x,y,z, r_major, r_minor)
             -fn_deco1(x,y,z).grey*0.013 }

//max_gradient, contained_by, and whatnot...

//scale, rotate, and translate as needed.


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Download 'watchdeco.png' (34 KB) Download 'decoband.png' (4 KB)

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Preview of image 'decoband.png'


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