POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.binaries.images : Baroque ballerina : Re: Baroque ballerina Server Time
4 Nov 2024 17:38:16 EST (-0500)
  Re: Baroque ballerina  
From: Jim Charter
Date: 15 Jan 2010 09:38:03
Message: <4b507dcb$1@news.povray.org>
Wow! Big-time! In particular the modeling of the the conservatory is 
beautifully detailed and convincing.  Ambitious lighting study.

At first I was disturbed by the heavy shadowing on the figure but when I 
opened up the picture and saw how the entire composition works, with the 
figure balancing the rich dark area on the left, I understood better the 
dramatic and moody effect you are seeking.

This is an ambitious picture and so I must side with Thomas and urge you 
to see if you might push it just a little farther.

The main drama of the picture is the light.  And there seem to be three 
separate elements at play: the light of the landscape outside, the 
sunbeams coming through the window, and the interior candle lights. This 
makes the whole thing quite ambitious. The candles are probably fine, it 
is the relationship between the other two that the mind seeks to 
reconcile. It is hard to fix the time of day, for instance, and that is 
crucial to really getting the mood.

The light streaks seem to be converging to their source. I cannot tell 
if this is do to the perspective of the camera?

Also, with so much streaking through the dust I would expect more of a 
pattern on the floor?  I think, as Thomas also mentioned, my main 
problem is with the floor.  Somehow there needs to be more distinctness 
there to help the mind locate it.

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