> High!
> After Reactor led me out of the "media trap" while trying to get
> believable Saturnian rings, the next problem occurred: I'm just not able
> to make a moon (in this test it's Pan, the innermost one running in the
> Encke ring gap at about 135,000 kms from the planet's center) orbiting
> exactly in Saturn's equatorial plane!
> Saturn is tilted using my "SetAxis" macro according to the equatorial
> coordinates of its axis (gleaned from Wikipedia):
Keep it simple.
First, create Saturn with NO tilting.
Then, place the rings. Still no tilt.
After that, place the various satellites only taling the relative
tilting of ther orbits into acount. Tilt of zero for equatorial orbits,
90 for a polar one.
Finaly, wrap everything on a single union, planet, rings and all moons.
Apply the planetary tilting to the whole union at once.
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