POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Bad science fiction : Re: Bad science fiction Server Time
13 Nov 2024 05:20:40 EST (-0500)
  Re: Bad science fiction  
From: clipka
Date: 19 Oct 2009 07:13:50
Message: <4adc49ee@news.povray.org>
Bill Pragnell schrieb:

> I try to have no expectations of a movie that I don't know anything (or much)
> about; I often enjoy such movies more than any other precisely for that reason.
> In such cases, I'll try to classify it by genre only afterwards.

Trying to avoid having expectations is a much different thing than 
claiming to succeed in that attempt, or claiming to judge a movie 
unbiased by one's expectations (let alone insisting that you /must/ 
abide by these standards to judge a movie). /Those/ are the people I'd 
consider dishonest, puffed-up intellectual farts.

As I said: A good movie is one I enjoy - be it entertaining, touching, 
thrilling, relaxing, inspiring, or whatever - and a bad movie is one I 
don't enjoy (which obviously depends on the mood I'm in); everything 
else is a lie.

It's fair to reason why I /do/ enjoy some movie, or whether I /might/ 
enjoy some other movie I haven't seen yet - but there's no reason 
whatsoever why I /should/ enjoy some movie I don't (or vice versa).

Good acting, good plot, good cut... those are all just expectations 
individual people have. Exalting these expectations above others - like 
good special effects, a good laugh, or even good match of a certain 
genre stereotype - is hypocrisy.

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