POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Bad science fiction : Re: Bad science fiction Server Time
13 Nov 2024 03:49:38 EST (-0500)
  Re: Bad science fiction  
From: clipka
Date: 19 Oct 2009 02:17:02
Message: <4adc045e@news.povray.org>
Darren New schrieb:

>> Event Horizon has some great SF in it, 
> I have no idea why everyone liked that movie. I thought it was awful.

Not /everyone/ did. I think it was one of the worst "SF" movies ever: 
You go to the theater expecting some nice decent science fiction (in 
broadest sense) action movie, and all you get is some horror thriller.

"Contact" was equally "disappointing", but it was easily able to make up 
for it by being ingenious in its own right.

I think "Alien" was just as bad as "EH", but as I never went to the 
theater to watch it, I'm more willing to forgive.

In this respect - i.e. regarding expectations being met, "Independence 
Day" was probably the best Sci-Fi-Action movie I've ever seen, both at 
the theater and at home.

It promised straightforward action and special effects in a Sci-Fi-esque 
setting, and hit that mark 100%. The plot was just an adaptation of "War 
of the Worlds", but it never claimed to have an original plot in the 
first place.

Ah, thinking about it, I must say that there's another movie that fully 
met my expectations, /and/ had an intelligent plot: "I, Robot". It 
actually /exceeded/ my expectations, in that it managed to amalgamate 
multiple of Asimov's short stories and their plot devices into a 
consistent single storyline.

Another movie set in the future and happening to feature Will Smith, "I 
am Legend", definitely falls into the same category as "Event Horizon". 
A pseudo-science-backed classic vampire movie - WTF?!

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