POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Bad science fiction : Re: Bad science fiction Server Time
13 Nov 2024 01:23:47 EST (-0500)
  Re: Bad science fiction  
From: Chambers
Date: 18 Oct 2009 16:21:46
Message: <4adb78da@news.povray.org>
Warp wrote:
>   Why do people like movies which other people detest?
>   Why are you asking unanwserable questions?

Because I've never heard someone actually able to explain why they think 
this movie is good.

It's one thing if you watch a movie that's so bad it's good (Army of 
Darkness, anyone?), or a movie that is purposely lighthearted in pursuit 
of the "fun factor" (Armageddon, Transformers, etc).  It's another when 
a movie's fans all take the movie seriously, talk about how great the 
science in it is, talk about how great the storyline is, without seeming 
to realize the absurdity of it.

Like I said, the first half of Sunshine was really good, and held a lot 
of potential.  It was the whole Pinbacker thing I didn't like, because 
it's like the story turned a corner and we were suddenly watching a 
straight up slasher.


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