POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Today's crazy thing : Re: Today's crazy thing Server Time
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  Re: Today's crazy thing  
From: Patrick Elliott
Date: 2 Oct 2009 17:17:02
Message: <4ac66dce$1@news.povray.org>
Sabrina Kilian wrote:
> Darren New wrote:
>> You know, this is the first time I've ever heard someone worried about a
>> citizen coup of the government. Every person arming themselves I've ever
>> heard of that has been worried about it has been arming themselves to
>> protect the government from the officials, not to overthrow the
>> government. I.e., to restore the constitution, not to overthrow the
>> elected government. I think this is probably a new GOP nutcasism, just
>> like the birthers.
> I don't think any of them believe they, themselves, will be the one to
> help over throw the government. But, there must be someone out there who
> believes more strongly, and will lead the uprising. And after that,
> while the opposing party is herded into the camps they were building for
> the secret NSA or Hollywood project, the righteous will need those guns
> to keep themselves safe from all the people that don't get picked up in
> the first round.
> I think I lost the point of this hyperbole, when I started picturing the
> nutcase-caste as the invading army in any generic 80's Cold War invasion
> movie. And yes, didn't you know? The NSA is working with Hollywood movie
> makers to hide those camps in the 'on location' sets for various films.
> It has all been planned for years now, why can't anyone see it?!

Problem is, there are literally groups, many of them indirectly 
supported, for ideological reasons, by existing members of the 
government, (who have, in a few case come damn close to saying the same 
things, and in others ***are*** the ones saying it), who have actually 
convinced themselves that everything from the economy to the current 
non-white, possibly Muslim (they still insist this is true), likely not 
a US citizen (again they **still** insist this is the case), liberal, 
are signs of how corrupt the government is, and how it needs to be 
replaced. One of them, just this last week, stated that, "If the 
government continues down this path, I wouldn't be surprised if a 
bloodless coup took place, led by military officials, trained in nation 
building." One can presume this means the same people they sent to Iraq, 
under bush, and hand picked from the "Evangelical" groups in the 
military, which we have been hearing increasingly large numbers of 
complaints about. Others are vaguely more rational, and just suggest it 
might be better if Texas, or some other states, leave the union, to 
found their own **true** theocratic democracy.

No, I have no problem imagining these people are serious. I have no 
problem believing that too many people in congress, state officials, 
school boards, and many other places, where they have spent **decades** 
playing up the god card, and getting radicals elected, should, if not 
for it being "religious beliefs", be classed as clinically insane. And, 
I have no difficulty at all, based on who they fund, who funds them, 
their being board members, in some cases, of right wing think tanks and 
other such organizations, and the ties between those and even more 
radical groups, that if for one moment, they actually thought they 
already had enough military people, brain washed with evangelical 
gibberish, behind them, they wouldn't stop to think for one moment at 
trying to "save" the country from communism and liberal thinking, 
through military actions. Many of them have said as much one the various 
places they fund/get funding from, chair, or support, while never quite 
saying so *in public*.

Heck the current wacko they think is likely to be the Republicrat 
candidate in 2012 has hand picked what has been described as a laundry 
list of the worst right wing scandals and hypocrites, to be his 
"advisers". The only possible reason for doing this is because he, and 
they, don't think anything they got caught doing was wrong, and that 
anything at all is justified, as long as it supports the insertion of 
Jesus, "back into the nations government". One of them is a women who 
***Bush*** even had a problem with, and during her testimony, in the 
trial that lost her her job, she repeated stated that she made an oath, 
not to protect the "constitution", but the "president", despite the fact 
that her job required the former, and she couldn't have been given the 
position without taking the oath to defend it.

You have to understand, the sane ones are either jumping ship so fast 
its not funny, or sticking it out, in hopes to moderate the message, but 
if you look at most of the ones in office right now, the difference 
between the completely crazy ones, and the ones trying to "save" the 
party is almost nothing. They all think there isn't enough god in 
everything, they all think government is always bad, they all think no 
one, especially them, should pay taxes, they all appose health care, 
they all think poor people deserve to be poor, or they well.. wouldn't 
be, they all are jumping at shadows, and they all appose **liberals** so 
completely that they will, and have, and continue, to appose even their 
**own** additions to bills being put through, or even bills that say 
they same thing **they** proposed previously, based solely on the 
grounds that its "liberals" that might get the credit for passing the stuff.

Worse, they seem to have the mentality that *their* people can shout 
fire in a crowded theater, when there isn't one, but its absolutely 
horrifying if someone else points out that the other side let real moths 
loose in the same theater. The former is acceptable, for some reason, 
the later, an unconscionable act of rudeness. Why? Apparently because of 
who is saying it, and whether or not it supports the goal of putting 
more Republicans in office, or undermining the communist liberal agenda.

You have to be living under a rock to not get that these people are mad 
as a hatter, and clueless, if you imagine that none of them are serious 
about a coup, bloodless or otherwise, if they don't get what they want. 
The only reason they are not "serious" about it yet is because they know 
they don't have enough "soldiers" to pull it off. But, many of them are 
so completely deluded about their own positions that they will ignore 
"nation wide" polls showing the 75% of people want some options for 
health care, and instead say, "I have talked to tens of thousands of my 
own constituents, and they all say they don't want this options." Well, 
if you keep asking them, "Do you want the communist, government run, 
system that will kill your grand parents and force you to buy government 
health care?", then yeah, they probably all say no. If you asked them, 
"Do you want your neighbor to stab you with an ice pick?", they would 
probably say no too, but lying about their neighbors buying a truck load 
of ice picks doesn't make allow you to then go on national TV and tell 
people, "Everyone I talked to said they hate having neighbors."

If this was a comic book universe, half these idiots would be wearing 
funny costumes and conspiring with the Joker, in a plot to kill Batman. 
It actually seems to have gotten that bad, since these anti-science, 
anti-fact, make shit up, only our side is right, we need to save the 
nation for Jesus, and everyone that so much as suggests one of our 
factless, poorly planned, irrational, ideas might need to be rethought, 
is a damn liberal, including any Republicans that don't toe the line 
enough, are all ignorant, disinterested in *any* evidence, and barking 
frakking mad. And they are almost all convinced that saving the nation 
means making us more like Medieval Europe, under the Inquisition, where 
only those that accepted the absolute authority, and ideas, of one hard 
line religious view, and its **official** kings, and nobles.

Some have even gone so far as to suggest that democracy itself is a 
failure, though again, not in the direct public, but in their own books, 
web sites, and talks to some supporters, and we need to "fix" the 
problem by reinstituting some sort of monarchy, with, of course, them as 
the nobility.

How insane do these people have to act before you recognize that they 
don't have the same limits on their actions, or what they might plan, as 
the rest of us do? You can't reason with someone that rejects reason. 
**period** And most of these people have rejected everything and 
anything that doesn't make them "chosen", "better", "more moral", "more 
saved", "divinely chosen to lead", etc. Anything that does, including, 
and especially, someone leading that isn't one of them, is a direct 
affront to their world view, and since God can't be wrong about them, 
qed its everyone else that must be conspiring to undermine their god.

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   If Schrödingers_cat is alive or version > 98 {
     if version = "Vista" {
       call slow_by_half();
       call DRM_everything();
     call functional_code();
     call crash_windows();

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