POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Tell me it isn't so! : Re: Tell me it isn't so! Server Time
15 Nov 2024 22:23:22 EST (-0500)
  Re: Tell me it isn't so!  
From: Chambers
Date: 22 Jul 2009 01:32:23
Message: <4a66a467@news.povray.org>
David H. Burns wrote:
> Chambers wrote:
>> Why do you associate OOP with .Net?
> Needless complexity.

 From this, and your other posts, I'm going to assume that you don't 
actually know anything about either OOP or .Net.

OOP does NOT introduce needless complexity; rather, it is a series of 
methodologies that help you manage complexity.  For this reason, the 
most likely place you'll see OOP avoided is in small, simple projects, 
while large (and complex) projects will insist on utilizing OOP 
(otherwise they would be unmanageable).

.Net encompasses a whole series of technologies from Microsoft, one of 
the most prominent being an interpreted bytecode known as CLR (common 
language run-time).  The various languages (such as C# .Net, VB .Net, et 
al) are compiled into this bytecode rather than machine language, which 
is then run by an interpreter.  This is similar to Java, although it is 
not platform independent (there is a platform independent open source 
version, called Mono, which is able to execute many .Net applications).

Along with this bytecode language, comes a large library of functions 
and routines that are accessible from any .Net language.

There are other technologies and features, of course, mostly aimed at 
interoperability of various system components (for instance, LINQ, which 
allows SQL-type queries from languages such as C# and VB).

In all, .Net as a collection of tools allows people to focus on the 
parts of their programs that are truly unique, rather than reinventing 
the wheel with every application.


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