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16 Nov 2024 00:19:38 EST (-0500)
  Re: Tell me it isn't so!  
From: Warp
Date: 21 Jul 2009 17:38:40
Message: <4a663560@news.povray.org>
David H. Burns <dhb### [at] cherokeetelnet> wrote:
> Warp wrote:

> >   The whole idea of object-oriented programming is to make it *easier* to
> > write programs, especially compared to straightforward imperative/structured
> > programming (as the SDL is currently).
> > 

> That I cannot believe!!

  Well, then I can only say that you are wrong. The whole idea of OOP is
to make programming easier and more manageable. That's why it was invented
in the first place.

  Do you really think a new programming paradigm would be developed and
get widespread if it was *harder* to use than older, ascetic imperative

  You seem to have the misconception that in order to write a program in
an object-oriented programming language you need to know the entire language
before you can do anything.

  You are saying that the current SDL is easy to learn. Do you honestly think
that making it object-oriented means removing those easy control structures
such as while-loops and functions?

  And can't you see how limited the current SDL is? For example, how can you
increase the current camera angle by 5 degrees? Or read the pigment of an
existing object at a specific point? Or create a binary search tree? Or remove
an object from an existing union?

  You can't. Why? Because the current SDL is an archaic pile of kludges, one
on top of another. It's limited, inflexible and hard to use for anything
more complicated than simple while-looping.

                                                          - Warp

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