POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Tell me it isn't so! : Re: Tell me it isn't so! Server Time
16 Nov 2024 02:25:05 EST (-0500)
  Re: Tell me it isn't so!  
From: David H  Burns
Date: 21 Jul 2009 17:10:52
Message: <4a662edc@news.povray.org>
I've looked at enough OOP programs. Pov-Ray's current scripting language
  is easy to use once you learn the syntax. All that the introduction of 
OOP would do
is to make it more difficult and time consuming to write a workable 
script. It matters
little to me if the Pov-Ray source is written in OOP, though I think it 
would be a step
  backwards or maybe side ways. (In fact it will probably become 
necessary for the source
code to be written in OOP at least until the fad dies.) I am unlikely to 
look much at the source
  code. I looked at it earlier because I wanted to try to do something 
that I thought couldn't be done
current Pov-Ray --make a "mirror" surface whose "reflection" is 
controlled by a supplied
algorithm. I now think that this can be done (at least to some extent) 
with "normals".

What I don't want to see is the scripting language OOPified! As I said 
it already uses "object" with "data
  members" and "methods", but it doesn't require the complex and (to my 
mind) arcane OOP structure
and "philosophy".


Warp wrote:

>   And exactly how do you know this?

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