Sabrina Kilian wrote:
> If you want to suppose that race can be determined, then I propose a
> government wide challenge. Any official, acting, sitting, whatever, who
> needs to be able to identify a person as being one race or another,
> should be able to identify, and categorize, from picture peoples of the
> following decent: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Taiwanese, Thai,
> Vietnamese, Maori, Malaysian, Native Austrialian; Indian, Saudi, Iraqi,
> Egyptian; Nigerian, South Afriacan, Brazilian, Mexican, American,
> British . . . and so on. Any misses would show that the traits they are
> making decisions based on are either not indicative of a certain race or
> it would show they are incapable of applying race as a means of
> separating the correct people for what ever it is the law allows them to
> separate people for.
I propose a challenge.
Let's take 50 Arizona police officers, follow them for a day, and see
how accurately they identify illegal aliens. One side or the other would
have to STFU about the quality of the officer's profiling methods.
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