"Jaime Vives Piqueres" <jai### [at] ignoranciaorg> wrote in message
> I was practicing with Chief Architect, and did this hotel corridor... it
> so boring that I decided to have some fun adding some story to it.
Very nice. But:
1. Blood is way too bright, even for a fresh stain (which this cannot be)
2. Running pose seems unnatural for the dead body.
3. Exit signs are usually red around here, I cannot remember seeing a green
one (but it might be a local thing)
4. Police tape is at a very odd place (useless and/or trapping patrons),
unless there is also an exit/entrance behind the camera. But in that case,
I'd expect another tape at the far end too, especially since there seems to
be a perpendicular corridor in front of the exit.
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