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  Knot theory  
From: Invisible
Date: 17 Feb 2009 06:45:43
Message: <499aa367$1@news.povray.org>
There now follows a large brain dump concerning knot theory...

At one time, it was briefly theorised that maybe the ~105 elements of 
the periodic table were each a little tangle of energy, and different 
kinds of tangling gave rise to different chemical properties. This 
sparked a great deal of interest in knot theory. Later this idea was 
abandoned, and knot theory became unpopular again. But some people still 
study it.

(With String Theory, the idea seems to be coming back somewhat. But I 

So what actually *is* knot theory? Well, it's the study of mathematical 
"knots". As you might expect, these abstract entities have properties 
similar to but not quite the same as a real knot in a piece of string.

Fundamentally, a "knot" is a *closed loop* of infinitely bendy, stretchy 
string. Notice that if you have the free ends of a piece of string, you 
can (in principle) always untangle it given sufficient patience. A 
mathematical knot has not free ends, and hence cannot be untangled. 
That's what makes it a well-defined entity that you can sit down and study.

Two tangled up bits of this hypothetical string are considered "the 
same" if you can turn one tangle into the other without cutting the 
string or allowing it to pass through itself. (Shrinking parts of the 
knot down to 0 size to make them dissappear is also cheating.)

It is a basic result of knot theory that it's often insanely hard to 
determine whether or not two given knots are actually the same or not.

The simplest knot is just a circle. This is called the "trivial knot" or 
"unknot", since it's completely untangled. Notice that if you take an 
elastic band, you can tangle it up really good without actually cutting 
it; this is *still* considered isomorphic to the trivial knot. The next 
up is the trefoil knot. Again, this can have several appearences, 
depending on how you arrange it.

It is useful to think of "the knot", which is an invariant, unchanging 
thing, and "projections" of the knot. A knot projection is basically a 
2D drawing of a particular configuration of the knot. Any given knot has 
an infinite number of possible projections, ranging from the simple to 
the utterly convoluted.

Aside from stretching and shrinking the string, a knot projection can be 
"changed" in three fundamental ways. These ways are named after a 
mathematician who's name is beyond my ability to spell or pronounce. 
Remember we're talking about knot projections, that is, 2D drawings of a 
particular configuration of a knot.

- A type I move involves taking a strand, making a small loop with it, 
and poking it over the top of another strand. (Or, alternatively, under 
it.) This makes the projection slightly more complicated (there are now 
more crossings), but does not alter the knot itself. The reverse 
process, i.e., drawing a loop back over (or under) a strand, simplifies 
the projection. (Note that a loop *around* a strand cannot be 
so-simplified. Only a loop completely over or completely under.)

- A type II move involves taking a straight strand and twisting it to 
form a loop. You have now added one new crossing to the projection. 
Alternatively, untwisting the strand to eliminate a loop, thus reducing 
the number of crossings. (You can only do this if nothing passes through 
the loop, of course.)

- A type III move involves moving a strand from one side of an unrelated 
crossing to the other.

These three moves, then, alter the 2D projection of a knot without 
actually changing its fundamental structure --- i.e., which knot it is.

One of the ways to attempt to classify knots is by the construction of 
"knot invariants". A knot invariant is basically something you can 
compute from the projection of a knot, and which is the same for *all* 
possible projections of a given knot.

An immediate consequence of this is that if two projections yield 
different values for a given invariant, they are provably *not* the same 
knot. (However, if they yield the same value, this does not prove that 
they *are* the same; that would be too easy. It is however a desirable 
property that it should be "unlikely" for different knots to yield the 
same value.)

The way to construct an invariant, of course, is to prove that all of 
the three moves listed above leave the invariant unchanged.

The details of specific invariants escape me now. Suffice it to say that 
several mathematicians have come up with polynomials that can be 
constructed from a knot projection. The polynomial itself doesn't 
calculate anything interesting, but its formula is derived from the knot 
projection. The algebraic properties of polynomials are used in such a 
way that the three moves change the subterms, but when you simplify it 
all into standard polynomial form, you get the same answer.

I remember one of these polynomials involves recursively splitting the 
knot projection into simpler ones, eventually building a trivial 
polynomial for each part, and then combining these polynomials back 
together according to how the original parts where connected. Shift some 
algebra, and at the end every projection of a given knot comes up with 
the exact same polynomial.

There are invariants which are *not* polynomials. It's simply that most 
of the popular invariants happen to be polynomials.

Invariants are a nice way to compare knot projections in an attempt to 
see if they are different. But how to *describe* a knot unambiguously? 
Well, several methods have been put forward.

One rather entertaining way goes something like this. (I've probably 
screwed up the algorithm; this is from memory.)

- Pick a starting point on the string, and draw an arrow representing a 
direction. Doesn't matter what you pick, but stick to it.

- Trace your way around the knot. Each time you reach a crossing, number 
it, starting from 1. If the strand you're on goes over the top, use a 
positive number. If it goes under, assign a negative number.

- Write down a list of all the pairs of numbers at each crossing.

- Throw away the lowest number in each pair (ignoring sign).

It is possible to completely reconstruct the know from the list you're 
left with. As an example, I just tried a figure of eight knot. From 
this, I get the list

   -1, +4
   +2, -7
   -3, +6
   -5, +8

Throwing away half the numbers, we get +4, -7, +6, +8, in that order.

To reconstruct the knot, we need to fill in the table:

   ??, +4
   ??, -7
   ??, +6
   ??, +8

Since the *first* column is always in ascending order, and each pair 
always contains one + and one -, we can reconstruct quite easily. Once 
we have the two-column table, you can imagine taking some bendy plastic 
tubing with some crossings taped together and connecting the crossings 
in ascending order to reproduce the knot. (1 is connected to 2, 2 is 
connected to 3...)

This method, of course, just describes a specific projection of a knot. 
There are many ways to project the same knot, and hence many possible 
sequences of number to describe it. (Changing the starting point also 
alters all the numbers.)

An alternative way to describe knots is by "braid theory".

A "braid" is a series of vertical strands. Initially, they are all 
parallel. If you say "+3", that means that strand 3 and strand 4 swap 
places, with strand 3 going over the top of strand 4. Alternatively, 
"-3" means the same swap, but strand 4 going over the top.

In this way, you can say "-3, +5, +2". This describes a sequence of 
strand swaps, starting from the top and working downwards. Something 
like this:

   1   2   3   4   5   6
   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |    \ /    |   |
   |   |     /     |   |
   |   |    / \    |   |
   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |   |   |   |    \ /
   |   |   |   |     \
   |   |   |   |    / \
   |   |   |   |   |   |
   |    \ /    |   |   |
   |     \     |   |   |
   |    / \    |   |   |
   |   |   |   |   |   |
   1   2   3   4   5   6

So that's a braid. Now if you imagine taking this and bending it over so 
that the ends at the top connect with the ends at the bottom, this would 
make a closed loop. In fact, in this case, the result would be *several* 
closed loops. The 1 strand would be an unknot, not connected to anything 
else. Strands 5 and 6 would become a single strand, which can then be 
untwizzled to make an unknot. And strands 2, 3 and 4 would be connected; 
off the top of my head, I'm not sure if this would be a nontrivial knot.

Such a collection of possibly-connected knots is called a "link". In 
general, "closing" a braid (i.e., connecting its ends together) produces 
a link. Sometimes the whole link consists of one knot (i.e., one 
continuous strand), and sometimes several knots that can be seperated. 
And occasionally, several knots connected such that you can't seperate 
them without cutting.

The fun part, of course, is the algebraic structure of a braid. 
Sometimes when you move a twist up or down the sequence, it changes the 
resulting link when the braid is closed. And sometimes it doesn't. 
Teasing how the relationships for this can get quite interesting.

Best of all: any possible knot or link can be represented as a braid. 
(Although working out how usually isn't easy.)

Another method for constructing knots is to use "tangles".

A "tangle" is a section of string or strings that have 4 ends. The ends 
are locked in place and can't move, and you can't loop the strands over 
those ends. If you imagine drawing a square with one end bolted to each 
corner of the square and the strands inside not allowed to leav the 
confines of the square, that's roughly what a tangle is.

Again we have an algebra of tangle construction here. (I may well be 
getting some lefts/rights mixed up here, but the ideas are essentially 

We start with the "0 tangle". This is where the two top corners are 
linked, and the two bottom corners are linked, and the strands aren't 
tangled up in any way.

Then we have the "1 tangle". This is where you take the 0 tangle and 
swap round the two right ends, such that the strand from the bottom-left 
corner passes over the one from the top-left corner. The "-1 tangle" is 
identical, but twisted the opposite way. (I.e., the top-left thread is 
on top.)

You can "add" two tangles together by placing them side by side, and 
connecting the two right-hand ends of the left tangle to the two 
left-hand ends of the right tangle.

If, for example, you add a 0 tangle to a 0 tangle, you get a new 0 
tangle. If you add a 1 tangle to a -1 tangle, you also get... a tangle 
where one thread moves over the other, and then back again. Performing a 
type-I move, this becomes the 0 tangle again.

So, 0 + 0 = 0 and (+1) + (-1) = 0. That's cute. But if you add a 1 
tangle to a 2 tangle, you get a tangle where the two threads cross over 
each other twice in the same direction - the "2 tangle". (A "-2 tangle" 
is defined similarly, but with the twist in the opposite direction.)

So, an N tangle is the 0 tangle twisted N times clockwise, and a -N 
tangle is twisted N times anticlockwise. (Assuming you look at it from 
the right direction.)

There is also an "infinity tangle", which is like the 0 tangle, rotated 

This involves placing one above the over, and joining the corners in 
that direction instead.

Here, however, we find that tangle algebra doesn't work *quite* like 
number arithmetic; if you multiply the 0 tangle by the 0 tangle, you get 
something that isn't even a tangle; it's like a 0 tangle with a trivial 
knot floating in the middle of it. And a 1 tangle multiplied by a 1 
tangle gives you something that can't be described any other way. (In 
particular, *not* a 1 tangle!)

By pairing up the ends of a tangle (either vertically or horizontally - 
it makes a difference) you can again construct any possible knot. And 
again there's an interesting algebra of operations which are equivilent 
and those which are not.

In a similar way, you can "add" regular knots. You take two knots, cut 
them both, and join the cut parts. The thing is, depending on exactly 
where you cut them, and how you join the ends up, you can make several 
different knots in any addition operation. So for general knots, 
"adding" isn't very precisely defined. (At least, if you just specify 
two knots and that they be added, the result is not well-defined. You 
need to specify lots of extra info to make it well-defined. Even the 
knot projection might make a difference.)

There are other ways of making knots too. The trefoil is a "toriodal 
knot". That is, you can generate it by marking a point on a circle, and 
rotating that circle while sweeping it around a perpendicular circle. 
(In other words, tracing a path on the surface of a torus.) By varying 
the number of rotations of one circle for each rotation of the other, 
you can build various different knots, of which the trefoil is just one. 
(There is an infinite set of parameters that generate any given toriodal 
knot, however.)

Related to this are "cable knots". This involves sweeping a circle not 
along a circle but along another knot. Sometimes the result can be 
unravelled to be isomorphic to the original knot; sometimes it can't. 
(In other words, sometimes it's a genuinely new knot.) You can also 
generate links this way by not rotating the circle as it is swept; 
sometimes these links are seperable, and sometimes they aren't.

What about knots in 4D instead of just 3D? What would that be like?

Well, it turns out to be pretty boring, actually. In 4D, and knot 
composed of a 1D strand can actually be completely untangled. That is, 
every knot is equivilent to the trivial knot in 4D. That's not terribly 

What you *can* do, however, is construct knots out of a 2D "ribbon" 
rather than a 1D "string". The result is a family of knots that only 
exist in 4D, but it's really *far* too mind-bending to think about. 
(Projecting back into 3D can look pretty though...)

While we're on the subject of pretty pictures, there is various software 
to perform "knot relaxation". The idea is to take a description of a 
knot, and try to "simplify" it by treating the knot as being made out of 
bendy, stretchy plastic and doing a small physical simulation. An 
intricately tangled length of string is likely to untangle itself given 
sufficient energy to escape any local minima and assume a low-energy 
final state.

It can be quite interesting to watch, and it's sometimes a useful way to 
figure out if two knots are the same. If they are, they typically tend 
to assume similar final configurations. (But not always...)

This has been another broadcast brought to you by an under-employed 
computer science graduate, for the benefit of similarly over-interested 
souls. TTFN!

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