>> Who said anything about the kernel? I'm talking about the entire Linux
>> OS. (Most of which is actually GNU, if you want to be technical about
>> it...)
> So yes, be technical about it, then - I don't know of any Linux distro
> that uses "standard" tools that aren't GNU, be it awk, sed, perl, bash,
> etc.
Except that Unix /= Linux. There's also BSD and Solaris and random stuff
like that... and autoconf works with all of them.
"Windoze" is more or less one product line. Binaries work unmodified on
most versions of it. (Assuming the features they use are there.) "Unix"
is not one product. It's not even close to being one product. It's a
vast stew of different products all bolted together in a giant mess.
>> I have yet to experience "DLL Hell". I'm told it exists, and it's not
>> fun, but I haven't seen it personally. (Don't ask me why...)
> You've been lucky.
Let's hope it stays that way...
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