Wow! I wanna be there! Looks better and better! The clouds just fit
excellently! You got a good sense of harmony.
Do maybe a tiny platform on the left hill, just big enough for a single
little bank to hold 2 persons. A small wooden platform. And some steep
stairs leading to this platform, or a rope to hold on why walking upwards,
towards the platform.
The landscape wants some very distant hills at the horizon, nearly (through
the dusty air) as yellow as the sky because of the distance.
And then some distant, not too easy to recognize birds or bird swarms.
Nothing more than tinly dosts in the air, only a few a bit closer, not big
At the opposite lake side, one (or a few) small paths or walkways (sandy)
through the nature. Nothing big, nothign broad, just a small sandy path.
Maybe another path on this side of the lake, just left beside the tower on
that piece of the nature (behind the tower).
Alright, later.
"Kirk Andrews" <kir### [at] tektonartcom> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
> Some improvements. Still can't find my pegasus to get there, though...
> (clouds were added in post-processing, of course. I'm not patient enough
> for
> media.)
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