nemesis wrote:
> C# is a strange mix of Delphi's ideas and Java syntax and implementation. The
> main designer and his team was bought by M$ from Borland where they worked on
> Delphi. In fact, he was also Turbopascal implementer.
Mmm, I wonder if C# is any more object-oriented than TP 5.5? ;-)
> BTW, Orchid, you know some major Haskell designers and implementers work for M$,
> right?
*sigh* Yes.
Indeed, everything I mention M$ I get flamed for insulting people's
Here's the part I can't figure out. M$ basically exists to steal other
people's ideas, pass them off as "new" and "original", and con people
out of huge sums of money for it. So... why is M$ even interested in
something geniunely advanced and revolutionary?
> The thing is, many ideas of Haskell, like monadic
> IO are present in .NET nowadays in a builtin framework named LINK.
Yeah, looking at the Wikipedia page for C# I see they've stolen a whole
crapload of good ideas from Haskell. [No doubt in a few years everybody
will say how C# is the best programming language because of these
features. And Haskell still isn't the best. For the same reason.]
> the first paper is interesting, but Meijer is an idiosyncratic personality with
> strong opinions. In his view, Haskell is just a scripting language... ;)
Oh, sure. It has compilation, strong typing, compile-time error
checking, pervasive optimisation techniques, and an elegant underlying
algebra. Definitely a scripting language. :-P
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