POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : Haskell goodies : Re: Haskell goodies Server Time
15 Nov 2024 01:43:33 EST (-0500)
  Re: Haskell goodies  
From: Sabrina Kilian
Date: 30 Jan 2008 18:23:04
Message: <47a106d8$1@news.povray.org>
alphaQuad wrote:
> Generally some people are right or left brained people. That is, the side you
> use the most, i.e. creative or logical. Now ………….. long dramatic pause.
> What would happen if the hemispheres of your brain were operating on the same
> freq?
> Would you fall over dead? Or be zombified because you now had 0 Amplitude and 0
> Frequency in your head? And what would sync these 2 cranial hemispheres electro
> magnetically? What would be the result? I believe Maxwell had an answer to the
> last question that you were not allowed to know.
> Anyone?
> Else this dies here.
> aQ

Interesting idea, but is the frequency observed in the brain an
operating frequency or just the side effect of the firing neurons? From
what I remember about neural biology, it takes a pretty big external
magnetic source to influence the brain. On the other hand, the EEG
observable frequencies can be manipulated rather easily by meditation,
bio feedback, even sound.

Side note, it's a known problem with EEGs that brain waves do cancel
out. That doesn't seem to cause much problem in the small scale, why
would it cause any problems in the large scale? Except, of course, for
being thought dead if you were connected to an EEG 'just right'.

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