Stephen wrote:
> It was National Lampoon's Bored of the Rings that ruined LotR for me.
Oh, I LOVED Bored of the Rings!
* Either Arglebargle IV or somebody else.
...or words to that effect. The only thing better than footnotes is
footnote parody.
But I guess it's just a matter of taste. Satire always improves the
flavor for me, but I'm kind of a pie-throwing anarchist. (Rather like a
bomb-throwing anarchist, but less bloodthirsty.)
Silly recollection: I recall, back in the mid-Jurassic, this girl said
(to a rather geeky group), "Oh, I read Bored of the Rings and it was
just, like, boring."
I said, "...You've read Lord of the Rings, right?"
She said, "Nooooo......."
Never underestimate the power of human idiocy.
--Sherry Shaw
#macro T(E,N)sphere{x,.4rotate z*E*60translate y*N pigment{wrinkles scale
.3}finish{ambient 1}}#end#local I=0;#while(I<5)T(I,1)T(1-I,-1)#local I=I+
1;#end camera{location-5*z}plane{z,37 pigment{granite color_map{[.7rgb 0]
[1rgb 1]}}finish{ambient 2}}// TenMoons
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