John VanSickle wrote:
> This is not a reflective sphere over a checkered plane.
> It is a cube, subdivided five times using the Catmull-Clark subdivision
> scheme. There are 6144 faces in the resulting polygon mesh, which are
> rendered as 12288 triangles in POV-Ray.
> I'm rewriting my surface subdivision macros to use the Catmull-Clark
> scheme because I am updating my modeler to use faces with more than four
> vertices. Because the number of faces in the original mesh can vary
> quite a bit, the macros have to be completely rewritten from the ground
> up, and as you can see from this pic, I don't have normal interpolation
> implemented yet. I also don't have texture mapping turned on, either.
> When these are working and I've written the .INC file export in my
> modeler to match it, the new version (v1.7, which also supports .OBJ
> file import) will be released, and then I'll start work on a posing and
> key-framing and all that.
I will be looking forward to this!
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