POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.off-topic : How far can you go spotting goofs in movies? : Re: How far can you go spotting goofs in movies? Server Time
14 Nov 2024 20:27:59 EST (-0500)
  Re: How far can you go spotting goofs in movies?  
From: Eero Ahonen
Date: 29 Dec 2007 13:57:03
Message: <4776987f$1@news.povray.org>
Warp wrote:
>   Well, the first time you rent it, it's much cheaper, so it's obvious.

Or loan from a friend ;). Or get it for christmas ;).

>   Of course the amount of money spent in renting fees quickly become
> larger than the price of buying the movies, but you would have had to
> known this before you rented it.

True. Alltough if I want to see a movie again, it's probably so good
that I wanna buy it.

>   It would have, of course, been cheaper to buy the movies the first
> time, but how would have I known?-)

You can buy a DVD, watch it and sell it, if you didn't like it. And if
you manage to sell it for some stupido (or a freak, if the movie is some
very-rare-version), you can get along spending less money than renting
on the first run.

And if selling is not worth to do the job it has (badly said imo, true,
but I guess you'll get it), once-watched movies can be used as presents
to other people - and they still usually look good on the shelf ;).

Eero "Aero" Ahonen
      aer### [at] removethiszbxtnetinvalid

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