Alain wrote:
> Stephen nous apporta ses lumieres en ce 2007/11/12 09:04:
>> "Thomas de Groot" <t.d### [at] internlDOTnet> wrote:
>>> How does sand flow in the absence of gravity...?
>>> Thomas
>> Why would there not be gravity in space?
>> Isn’t it gravity that keeps the stars and planets in orbit?
>> Don’t
>> Stephen
> Absolutely, but when you are free floating in space, you don't feel any.
> If you don't stand on a surface that is stationary relative to the
> dominent gravity, the sand could'nt flow, as the glass is affected in
> exactly the same amount as the sand.
The only solution to this problem I have found is that there would be
sand at both the top and bottom of the glass. This is due to any
centrifugal forces caused by the spinning of the glass through space.
You are all totally correct though.
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